This will help to soothe the mucous membranes in your nose and prevent them from swelling and triggering a sneeze. In addition, beer is often brewed with hops, […]
Sober Living
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Sober Living: What to Expect at a Sober Living Home
However, you might be wondering what happens now that the detox is over, you’ve completed your stay at an addiction treatment center, and it is time to go […]
Sober Living
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Alcohol and your health: Risks, benefits, and controversies
Over time Ryan came to better understand factors that contributed to his drinking, including his anger and increased aggression when drinking. Therapy assisted him in recognizing how past […]
Sober Living
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How Long to Get Back into Ketosis after Drinking Alcohol?
Beer, for example, is high in carbohydrates and will quickly kick you out of ketosis. Even low-carb alcoholic drinks can stall weight loss as the body prioritises metabolising […]